Competitive Product War Gaming


Competitive Product War Gaming

  • Client has well-established product in CNS space that is demonstrating consistent yearly increases in market share
  • A more convenient delivery formulation for a competitive product is projected to enter the market within a 6 month time period
  • Client is seeking to understand the impact of the new formulation as well as how to most effectively defend against this competitor
  • Client seeking an iterative research process where they are able to observe live interviews and modify the research process based on feedback seen in real time
  • OLG completes a series in-person interviews designed to gauge unaided awareness of the new formulation and confirm existing perceptions of relevant products
  • Mock sales presentations were delivered by OLG Research and Sales Trainers in a war gaming format designed to understand core strengths and potential liabilities associated with each product
  • OLG’s interviews identified core strengths of our client’s product – strengths that were not emphasized in the product’s existing messaging platform
  • War gaming exercise identified legitimate threats to our client’s product but also unrecognized limitations to the competitive agent and uncertainties regarding the new dosing configuration
  • Client identified the need to augment existing messaging to defend against competitive dosing change while capitalizing on the equity built within their brand